Export cookies from Safari in Sierra
I wanted to automate a batch processing job and was too lazy to programmatically fetch the cookies by emulating a login form so I looked for a way to just reuse my cookies.
That should be pretty easy in general, for example with the Python bindings on macOS, but the syntax changed a bit between 10.10 and 10.12 respectively, so I fired up Xcode and the following ten-ish lines of Swift work nicely in generating output which is fit for wget and other tools using the ancient cookie file format.
import Foundation
print("The url to fetch:", terminator: " ")
let response = readLine(strippingNewline: true)
let storage = HTTPCookieStorage.sharedCookieStorage(forGroupContainerIdentifier: "Cookies")
let cookies = storage.cookies(for: URL(string: response!)!)
print("# HTTP Cookie File\n")
for cookie in cookies! {
var secure = "FALSE"
if (cookie.isSecure) {
secure = "TRUE"
var expires:Int = Int(cookie.expiresDate!.timeIntervalSince1970)
I don’t get points for exception handling or elegance but I have my 🍪.
I haven’t yet figured out a good workflow of generating such CLI binaries without hunting for them in the build folder and copying them over, input on that is very welcome.